Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Important Diagnostic Indications in Traditional Chinese Medicine for Treating Pain

Nature of Pain Traditional Chinese Medicine Pattern Diagnosis

If pain is sharp, stabbing and fixed than Blood Stasis is indicated.
If pain is variable, vague and wandering than L iver Qi Depression and Wind is indicated.
If pain is dull, achy and chronic, then Kidney Deficiency, Cold Damp and Spleen Deficiency
with Dampness is indicated. If pain is heavy, swollen, and fixed, then Dampness is indicated.

Duration of Pain

Acute pain indicates Blood Stasis or Invasion of External Pathogens.
Chronic pain indicates Kidney or Spleen Deficiency with Damp and Blood
Stasis due to repeated strains.

Aggravation of Pain

Cold Weather- Indicates all of the Patterns
Worse in the morning- Indicates Cold Damp
Worse in the afternoon- IndicatesKidney Deficiency
Worse with stress- IndicatesLiver Qi Stagnation
Worse with pressure- Indicates Blood Stasis
Worse with activity- Indicates Deficiency Patterns
Worse after sex- Indicates Kidney Deficiency
Worse with hot weather- Indicates Damp Heat

Amelioration of Pain

Pain that improves with rest indicates Kidney Deficiency.
Pain that improves with exercise indicated Liver Qi Stagnation.
Pain that improves with mild exercise indicayes Blood Stasis.
Pain that improves with heat and mild exercise indicates Cold, Cold Damp, or Kidney Yang Deficiency.

In treating pain with Traditional Chinese Medicine, the goal is not to mask the pain, but to open the channel blockages, eliminate pathogenic influences and to correct deficiencies.The diagnostic indications which have been described above help make a comprehensive analysis of the symptoms and signs of an individual pattern.

Many chronic pain patients become emotionally debilitated, leading to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia or restless sleep. Traditional Chinese Medicine is very effective to treat these symptoms as well.


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