Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

We have worked in healthcare for over 15 years and have learned a great deal about the business of healthcare during this time. We enjoy dealing with all types of people and our passion is to help out in the improvement of their lives. Our interests include Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Herbs, Mila - the world's healthiest wholefood, marketing, networking, internet, writing, coaching, food, sports and travel.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Belt Treatment Technique for Tennis Elbow

If you have not had any luck successfully treating that stubborn tennis elbow condition, consider using the belt technique to mobilize the elbow. This can be done while the patient is in supine lying and arm rested to the side. Wrap the belt around the patient's upper arm, just above the elbow joint crease. Then also wrap the belt around your waist, shoulder/back or top of your buttocks, wherever it may feel most practical to apply force. With one arm, stabilze the patient's lower arm just below the elbow joint line, and with your other arm, while applying lateral force to the patient's upper arm with the belt, apply some traction to the patient's lower arm with your free hand, and ask the patient to either extend their wrist against the resistance from your hand, or to extend the wrist while holding a two pound weight. Repeat this 5 to 10 times. This will often help decrease your patient's tennis elbow pain.


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