Acupuncture for Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow is a common complaint among people aged 25 years to 50 years. It often occurs after repetitive use of the forearm or extension and flexion of the elbow joint, or among those who have a history of exposure to cold and wind. This last group who have had the exposure to cold and wind often develop tennis elbow without any particular activity, leading to symptoms.
Patients' main complaints are pain of the lateral side (outsie part) of the elbow, which is sometimes more painful during extension or rotation of the elbow. Sometimes patients complain of a burning sensation on the outside part of the elbow which is also very tender to the touch. In most cases there is an insidious onset and it gradually worsens over time, sometimes to the point where the pain is unbearable.
Acupuncture is an extremely effective treatment option for this kind of pain. The main Acupuncture points to treat Tennis Elbow are Li11(Quchi), Li10(Shousanli), Li4(Hegu), TW5(Wiaguan), GB34(Yanglinquan) and local Aishi points (tender points). All points are connected to a electroacupunctoscope with a dense disperse setting and the needles are left in for approximately twenty minutes. Usually patients experience significant relief after the first treatment which is an excellent start to the recovery process.
Patients' main complaints are pain of the lateral side (outsie part) of the elbow, which is sometimes more painful during extension or rotation of the elbow. Sometimes patients complain of a burning sensation on the outside part of the elbow which is also very tender to the touch. In most cases there is an insidious onset and it gradually worsens over time, sometimes to the point where the pain is unbearable.
Acupuncture is an extremely effective treatment option for this kind of pain. The main Acupuncture points to treat Tennis Elbow are Li11(Quchi), Li10(Shousanli), Li4(Hegu), TW5(Wiaguan), GB34(Yanglinquan) and local Aishi points (tender points). All points are connected to a electroacupunctoscope with a dense disperse setting and the needles are left in for approximately twenty minutes. Usually patients experience significant relief after the first treatment which is an excellent start to the recovery process.
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