Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

We have worked in healthcare for over 15 years and have learned a great deal about the business of healthcare during this time. We enjoy dealing with all types of people and our passion is to help out in the improvement of their lives. Our interests include Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Herbs, Mila - the world's healthiest wholefood, marketing, networking, internet, writing, coaching, food, sports and travel.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Dealing with Back Pain

Many people try to ignore their back pain when they first start experiencing it. Often, the pain gradually escalates to a severe level, radiating down the leg and limiting most activities. Many can barely walk. They can't shop for groceries, go to family outings, exercise or even work.

This is the collateral damage of pain. Pain is a noxious stimuli that affects all parts of our lives. When we get stopped in our tracks because of the pain we have, we become 'de-conditioned' both physically and emotionally. It becomes a vicious cycle and a downward spiral.

We all get back aches. That's universal. But most pain, even the most severe pain, goes away in a few days. If the pain lingers -- shooting down your legs, arms getting electrical 'zingers' -- you should tell your doctor or physiotherapist and get it examined.

Years ago, doctors recommendeded that patients go to bed and stay there in order to heal. That's absolutely not the recommendation today. In fact, not moving at all could be the worst medicine.

In order for the joints to clean out toxins, feed themselves and regenerate, they need movement to get nutritious fluids in and out of them. So movement as soon as possible, is very important in helping to reduce back pain.

Poften tend to overdo it, or "underdo" it. People exercise too much and stress their bodies even more. Or they don't move at all. The key is to engage in modest, persistent activity. That may mean just walking a little bit every hour while you're having a back-pain episode, just making sure you're not sitting in a chair or lying down for long periods of time.

The first step toward making movement tolerable is taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. These medications work by diluting the power of the nerve pathway to the brain. For most patients, a couple of days of medication and movement makes the pain goes away.

But for chronic pain sufferers, there can be difficulties sifting through appropriate medications. Most people have a view that drugs, since they are over-the-counter, are nontoxic, with no side effects. That's not the case! These drugs come with a whole range of side effects, particularly if taken in greater than recommended doses or taken for long periods of time.

For example, aspirin and ibuprofen can cause stomach ulcers, increase bleeding and damage kidneys. This can be especially problematic for patients on blood-thinning medications. Tylenol can adversely affect the liver. This, too, can be problematic for patients on other medications that affect the liver, as well as patients who drink large amounts of alcohol.

Morphine-like prescription drugs may be an option for some patients. Vicodin, percocet and oxycontin are all morphine-derived medications. They are the "gold standard" of pain relief, because they're potent and effective.

There are alternatives for those who don't like the idea of being on medication every day. Great examples include Acupuncture and Physiotherapy. Patients can also learn psychological techniques, much like those used by athletes. These powerful psychological tools are not new; Buddhists have relied on them for centuries.
Patients can harness their brainpower to get "really robust effects on their pain and general health that are lasting and can be used most of their lives and may even mean they rarely have to go to the hospital or see the doctor.

Stress does not cause pain, but it can exacerbate it and make it worse. Much of chronic pain is 'remembered' pain. It's the constant firing of brain cells leading to a memory of pain that lasts, even though the bodily symptoms causing the pain are no longer there. The pain is residing because of the neurological connections in the brain itself.

One helpful technique is the 'relaxation response' to change the brain's perceptions of what it is experiencing, and help erase the memory of pain. In order to do this, a person has to break the train of everyday thought.

To do that, two steps are necessary. First is repetition. Patients repeat a word, sound, prayer, phrase or movement, such as yoga or tai chi. Most patients use a prayer they are comfortable with and believe in, such as "The Lord is My Shepherd." Other patients choose general words, such as "peace" "love" or "gentle."

The patient then does a combination of the following: sit up, close their eyes, relax all their muscles, loosen their clothing, shrug their shoulders and roll their head and neck around. Then, they focus on breathing. With each outgoing breath, patients repeat their special word or phrase silently to themselves, letting it drain out with each breathe. They should repeat this for ten to twenty minutes every day.

Often, practicing this relaxation technique regularly will deliver the intended results. Long-term bodily changes occur. Pain becomes less bothersome, and if stress is exacerbating the pain, then this approach can work in the long term and can relieve the pain entirely.

This is often true with tension headaches, and sometimes with back pain.
Scores of techniques can evoke the relaxation response -- meditation, repetitive prayer, yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Gong.

The relaxation response is a physiologic state characterized by decreased metabolism, decreased heart rate, decreased rate of breathing, lower blood pressure and specific changes in brain waves, including the liberation of a substance called nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes blood vessels. This is a discrete physiologic package that's opposite of the "stress" package called the "fight or flight" response.

Often the pain is still there, but relaxation-response techniques help patients live with the pain and return to normal activities. In some cases, the pain disappears completely.

For more information, please visit one of our clinics, in Bolton and in Brampton.


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