Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and is also known as degenerative joint disease or spondylosis. This condition, which occurs later in life, is a progressive disorder of the joints of the body, specifically the cartilage, which is located at the ends of bones. Over time, the cartilage may wear down and consequently lead to pain and inflammation. The most common areas affected are the hands, hips, knees and spine. Other symptoms may include stiffness, swelling, loss of range of motion, muscle weakness, joint instability, deformities and inflexibility.
Physiotherapy has been shown to help manage these symptoms. Specific stretching and strengthening exercises can help to increase flexibility, decrease pain, improve mobility, increase quality of life and reduce the risk of injuries. Stretching muscles that have shortened and strengthening muscles that have weakened will decrease the load on the joints affected, and therefore making osteoarthritis more manageable. Contact a physiotherapist for more information and to begin a specific treatment program catered towards your symptoms and goals.
Physiotherapy has been shown to help manage these symptoms. Specific stretching and strengthening exercises can help to increase flexibility, decrease pain, improve mobility, increase quality of life and reduce the risk of injuries. Stretching muscles that have shortened and strengthening muscles that have weakened will decrease the load on the joints affected, and therefore making osteoarthritis more manageable. Contact a physiotherapist for more information and to begin a specific treatment program catered towards your symptoms and goals.
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