Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

We have worked in healthcare for over 15 years and have learned a great deal about the business of healthcare during this time. We enjoy dealing with all types of people and our passion is to help out in the improvement of their lives. Our interests include Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Herbs, Mila - the world's healthiest wholefood, marketing, networking, internet, writing, coaching, food, sports and travel.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

About Shoulder Tendonitis

What Anatomical Structures are affected?

The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles and their attaching tendons. A tendon is a band of fibrous tissue which connects muscle to bone. The shoulder tendons of the rotator cuff, along with the biceps tendon help to keep the shoulder joint in place.

What is it?

Shoulder tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons in the shoulder region and may lead to weakening and tearing of these tendons. This can result in pain, tenderness, and weakness in the shoulder.

What causes it?

-repetitive movements
-sports injury
-repetitive overhead activity (i.e. from work activities or sports such as tennis, baseball, swimming)

What are the Risk Factors?

-Age (40+)
-Involvement in repetitive overhead work or sports
-Trauma to the shoulder (i.e. fall on an outstretched hand)
-Diseases which may weaken shoulder muscles – gout, psoriasis, or rheumatoid arthritis

What treatment is recommended?

Treatment may include the following
-Physiotherapy which may include the use of modalities, range of motion exercises, theraband strengthening exercises, stretching exercises, postural education, manual therapy, activity modification
-Medications – anti-inflammatory medications


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